A ‘How to Stay Physically & Mentally Healthy’ during the COVID-19 Pandemic Guide

A ‘How to Stay Physically & Mentally Healthy’ during the COVID-19 Pandemic Guide

It is really important to look after yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic, so here are some DIAH (do it at home) tips on ‘how to stay physically & mentally healthy’ from Dr. Scott McGregor, Co-Founder of We Are Feel Good Inc. & Skin Cancer Physician.

We know you may have heard some of this before, but it’s time to get serious!

1. Social Distancing.

“I cannot emphasise enough how important this is!!!” Dr Scott McGregor.

To avoid contracting Coronavirus & to help Australia curb the spread it is really important that you stay home and only go out for essential items (to the supermarket or chemist).

Don’t let visitors into your house, as you don’t know where they’ve been or who they’ve been in contact with. The virus stays alive on some surfaces for up to 17 days (i.e. your front door handle).

If you are catching up with a friend (for a wine or a coffee), sit on your lawn, or outside your house, sit at least 2m’s apart and ask them to bring their own glass & bottle.

When you visit shops, sanitise on the way in, only touch what you’re taking, sanitise on the way out, keep 2m distance from other shoppers, take off shoes at the front door when you get home and wash your hands with soap.

2. Vitamins & Supplements.

“To be honest there is a lot of good and a lot of bad out there, so in my opinion the ones that are worth buying are:

Zinc & Vitamin C – taken together. 

A good probiotic & prebiotic for your gut health.


Turmeric with black pepper”.

3. Remember your mental health!

In times like this & during social isolation, it is normal to feel anxious, uncertain, bored and potentially depressed. Looking after your mental health, or state of mind is super important!

So if you can, limit your ‘Netflix & Chill’ time and do something positive. Who knows, you may come out of this speaking Spanish or playing a new instrument.

Here are a few ways to keep your mind active & to stay positive:

Spend quality time with your family (if they’re in the same house as you).

Re-connect or stay in touch with extended family & friends, with a phone call or a video app (Zoom, House Party, Skype).

Learn a new skill.

Work on a home project (a herb garden, a new website, painting).

Try a meditation app… Smiling Mind has a great kids program and Head Space has simple, short guided meditations.

And please, if you are not coping, contact your GP, or an organisation like Beyond Blue.

 4. Exercise Daily.

Exercise is great for your physical & mental health. “I recommend you do at least 30 minutes a day.”

And why you’re at it why not support a local business, as several gyms and yoga studios are now providing online classes.

 5. Diet 

“It’s been a bit surprising to see what has sold out in the supermarkets – I understand people buying long-life food/ staples, but don’t forget about nutrition.”

Make sure you’re consuming fruit & vegetables!

Make a plan to cook extra food and freeze a few meals.

Or if you can’t access fresh fruit and vegetables, frozen vegetables still retain approx. 90% of their nutrition.

6. Stay Hydrated.

“There’s a lot of information out there that says that you should drink warm water (or tea) every 15-30 minutes (apparently the virus doesn't like this, however, the science behind this is a bit murky) but staying hydrated is a bonus and great for your immune system, so I would still put this in my top tips.” 7. Wash Your Hands!

Wash your hands regularly with soapy water, this can’t be overstated enough.

Make sure you do a surgical-grade wash (top of your hands, palms, in between your fingers and under your fingernails).

You should be able to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice in the time it takes you to properly wash your hands.

So that’s all from us & Dr. Scott for now! Please look after yourselves and check in with your friends & family. Sending you all good wishes and love from the We Are Feel Good Inc. team!

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