Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. | Quick Tips For a Better Tomorrow!
We understand the thought of cutting plastic out of your life can be daunting… isn’t everything made of plastic these days? BUT, if you can implement just a few of the tips mentioned below into your routine, you’ll be off to a great start!
REDUCE, Reuse, Recycle.
Use a keep cup.
If you do order a take-away coffee, say no to the lid.
...and the straw! (If you really need one, buy a reusable stainless steel straw.)
If you have the time, try shopping at your local farmer’s market and avoid purchasing fruits and veggies sold in plastic packaging, as it’s unnecessary.
If you prefer separate bags for produce, either bring in your own reusable bags or try using the brown paper ‘mushroom’ bags instead.
Bring your own tupperware containers and buy as much as you can from the deli section, i.e. cheeses and lunch meats.
Try purchasing things like peanut butter and other sauces in glass jars.
Use beeswax wraps instead of plastic cling wrap.
Make your own cleaning products and reuse your containers / spray bottles.
Try purchasing products like laundry detergent in cardboard boxes, which is more easily recycled than plastic containers.
Choose toilet paper that is not wrapped in plastic.
Reduce, REUSE, Recycle.
Eliminate single-use products.
Bring your own shopping bags.
Use washable utensils and tableware at home and at parties.
Use washable cloth napkins, sponges and dish cloths.
Purchase refillable items.
Buy bulk.
Re-use your takeaway food containers for storage of small items.
*TIP: use these containers to collect plastic bread tags and bottle caps before you return them to a collection point.
Use old clothes for rags.
Repair things when they break.
Buy second-hand when you can!
Reduce, Reuse, RECYCLE.
Always wash your recyclables with warm soapy water or vinegar.
It’s important to remember that plastic containers and their lids can be made of different types of plastic, so be sure to check both pieces for their RIC# before tossing.
If you're looking for ways to recycle your oral care products (toothbrushes, toothpaste, or floss cartridges), TerraCycle has an amazing Oral Care Program partnered with Colgate. Help collect these products from your family and friends and find your nearest collection point.
They have collection points for contact lenses and cases, coffee pods and more!
Remember to break down your cardboard boxes.
Recycle your water! Try collecting your used ‘greywater’ before it goes down the drain and find ways to recycle it around your home (i.e. watering your plants and garden).
Butane aerosol cans, such as those used for camping, should never be put in your curbside bin as these are extremely flammable. Refer to the PlanetArk website for tips on disposing of household chemicals.
If you live in WA, we finally have a new Containers for Change program offering a 10 cent refund for eligible beverage containers. To find a deposit container scheme in your state, visit the Planet Ark website and start collecting now!
When in doubt… REUSE when you can’t RECYCLE.
Whether you consider yourself a novice or an eco-warrior, you shouldn’t underestimate the impact of recycling. Take baby steps!